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What is Biovam®?

Biovam® is a carefully formulated system inoculum of biologically active and inert materials. Biovam® system includes a combination of 5 species of mycorrhizal fungi and 10 species of other beneficial soil microorganisms.

What are Mycorrhizae?

Microscopic mycorrhizal fungi exist naturally in 85% to 90% of all green plants. They form symbiotic relationships with plants. The mycorrhizal fungi regulate the movement of minerals and water from the soil to the plant. In return, the plant provides carbohydrates to the fungi.

How does it work?

Mycorrhizae benefit plant growth, health, yield and survivability in many ways, most notably by their ability to enhance plant nutrition and decrease water stress.

Increased plant nutrition is achieved after the mycorrhizal fungus attaches to the plant's roots, forming the mycorrhizae and its associated hyphae. The fungal hyphae are thread-like chains of cells that form the vegetative body of the fungus. They extend into the surrounding soil, exploring far beyond the root of the host plant where they uptake nutrients and water that were previously unavailable to the plant.

These additional resources are transferred directly to the plant. The hyphae have an absorptive capacity hundreds of times greater than the roots of the plant, which increases the amount of available water and nutrients many times over. In this way, the fungus helps the plant to thrive where nutrients and water are in limited supply, relatively immobile, or out of reach of the plant's root system.

In addition to better nutrition and less water stress, the mycorrhizal plants are more resistant to diseases and pests, as they often secrete exudates that have antibiotic properties, giving them additional protection.

Other bacteria, filamentous fungi and inert material in Biovam® protect plants in many other ways, both physiologically and mechanically against pathogens and nematodes.

How to Use Biovam®

In order to maximize the benefits of Biovam® for plant growth, health and yield, we recommend inoculation as early in the plant's life cycle as feasible.

Direct inoculation of the root during germination or rooting can enhance the quality and quantity of mycorrhizal formation. Inoculation into nursery roots and artificial soiless potting media is critical, because beneficial root microbes are probably absent.

Tilling and fumigation usually decrease the levels of beneficial soil organisms, making row crops and others that require heavy tilling or fumigation prime candidates for inoculation.

The best strategy for inoculating Biovam® into an existing system is by side dressing, vectoring or probing into the root zone. The key to success is to place Biovam® within one inch of the roots, so that the mycorrhizae can begin forming their beneficial symbiotic relationship with the plant.

Biovam® is easy to apply, totally non-toxic and environmentally safe.

The formulation can be tailored for unique soil conditions and plant communities. Biovam®'s unique production system allows us to provide the best product at a compettive price.

How to purchase Biovam®

1 to 10 lbs. Mycorrhizal Powder$ 30 @ lb.
10 to 100 lbs. $ 24 @ lb.
100 to 400 lbs.$ 18 @ lb.
Over 500 lbs. - Contact Manufacturer (see below)
1 lb. of product will inoculate 45 plants.

For more information, contact:
Pierre Constans
Box 353
Ojai, California 93023
Tel. 805 640 7686
Fax. 805 646 5506
email: pierre.constans@ojai.net